~~~ Dedicated to all VIETNAM VETS ~~~
Last Update : 08/16/09
Anyone with information concerning Charlie Co. between 1969 and 1970
Bill is gathering information for a book he is writing about Charlie Company, any information to help reconstruct the day to day operations of the company during this time period would be greatly appreciated.
Please sign the GUESTBOOK.
Don't forget when we were in Nam a lot of us had nicknames, call signs or whatever. Unlike real names, these were used daily and are usually easier to remember. Include your nickname when looking for someone or when you leave a message. Thanks.
All Vietnam Vets and their families are welcome on this site, . Let us know where you're from (RVN & USA) and how things are going. Happy to hear from all of you and WELCOME HOME.
Just drop us an e-mail with all the info and we'll add you on.
The best way for you to find your buddies and for them to find you!!!
Click here to see Charlie Co. 1970 in the 1st Battalion 1970 Yearbook - Vietnam
The MAIN OBJECTIVE is to include as many names as possible to the Roster page so that old buddies can find each other, stay in touch and exchange information as needed.
Thanks to all who have participated on making this site the BASE CAMP for CHARLIE COMPANY 1/506th INF 101 ABN. Thanks to those who still have a good memory for sharing names, places and events. Thanks to those who have sent pictures to be posted. Thanks to those who have sent stories and songs. Thanks to those who help get this site linked to theirs making it more accessible.
A special thanks to Jim "ZUT" Davis who's own web site and ideas served as an inspiration for this one.
Getting back in touch revives the camaraderie we knew in Vietnam, and for a lot of us,
missed when we got back........, so
Welcome Back!!
Please take a minute to remember those who continue to protect our freedoms
throughout the world and especially those who gave all.
When you're here, you're among FRIENDS.
If anything on this site is copyrighted and/or belongs to somebody and you don't want it to be on this site, just send an e-mail and the necessary shall be done.