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Bulletin Board
....and to all those who have participated in making this site what it is............
Jim "Zut" Davis ~ For the initial inspiration for this site. Thanks Jim.
Doug "Moni" Moniaci ~ For all the pics, stories, songs and for your valuable
ideas and insight.
Chuck "Double Deuce Doc" Kerr ~ For your excellent memory, all the pics
and your tons of encouragement.
Dan "Crazy" Pierce ~ Our own missing persons bureau - don't know how you
do it Dan, but keep up the good work.
Gene "Charly 35" Overton ~ For all the information he has supplied and for the
excellent job he and all the others do with the 506th
Association web site.
Judith Hartley ~ For your wonderful poems. You have done a wonderful job and have
captured a certain spirit that brings back many memories of Vietnam.
Jerry "Jackass" McGee ~ For the pictures and especially for having been such a good
friend over all these years
Matthew "Budweiser" Budziszweski ~ For getting a computer and scanner, but mostly
for having recorded so much information and
having kept it for so long.
John Georgiton ~ For his story and for the pictures I know he will send.....
Jerry Lazore ~ For expressing feeling we have all felt & for the poem he submitted.
Charles Reid ~ Thanks for all the photos, commentary and patience in waiting for them to
be posted........
Mark Orr ( LZ Sally), Chuck Hawkins (FSB Ripcord), Leonard F. Russel (NCOC
Locator) and all the others who have put links to our site on theirs as well as for
their unlimited encouragement..............
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